Thursday, June 27, 2013

Discovering Psychology

Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]

Author: | Language: English | ISBN: B00B6FAX5U | Format: PDF, EPUB

Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind
Direct download links available Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind from with Mediafire Link Download Link In this fresh new offering to the Intro Psychology course, authors John Cacioppo and Laura Freberg portray psychology as being an integrative science in two ways. First, they have written a text that reflects psychology's rightful place as a hub science that draws from and is cited by research in many other fields. Second, this text presents psychology as a unified science that seeks a complete understanding of the human mind, rather than as a loosely organized set of autonomous subspecialties. As psychology moves rapidly toward maturity as an integrative, multidisciplinary field, the introductory course offers an opportunity to teach all of psychology in one place and at one time. This text reflects that evolution--and the authors' excitement about it.
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Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind
  • File Size: 148902 KB
  • Print Length: 944 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 1 edition (September 24, 2013)
  • Sold by: Cengage Learning
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00B6FAX5U
  • Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
  • X-Ray for Textbooks:
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #408,055 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
In most cases, college students tend to buy a textbook for a course just because it is required, and then don't open the book and read the material until the day before an exam. When this happens, all of the information in the text is not being comprehended by the reader. When a Professor requires a textbook that also involves an online course code, it makes the student open the book and really learn the material.

Discovering Psychology Science of Mind is an overall great textbook for college students in the Psychology field, and even for those who are specializing in Substance Abuse. It discuss' the basics of Psychology in sub sections, such as the history, mind and brain, from how it develops, and how it can be effected from certain things such as drugs. I said above this text was good for those in Substance Abuse because it has a Chapter in the book cut out just for drugs and alcohol in which it describes a numerous amount of drugs and what they can do to a person's brain.

Although this book is fairly pricey for just the hardback, I would highly recommend getting the e-text version and code for, even if the Professor doesn't require it. It will cost you about $15.00 more but will allow you to highlight in the text, make your own flash cards, have someone read the book to you, make notes on each page, and even give you tests on each chapter that will help you get a better understanding of the material in the chapters. Overall, if one does this, they are studying for exams without really realizing it and are bound to get an "A" in the course.

Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind Download

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