A History of Public Health [Paperback]
Author: George Rosen | Language: English | ISBN: 0801846455 | Format: PDF, EPUB
A History of Public Health
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This paperback edition of George Rosen's classic account of the history of public health supplements the original text with Elizabeth Fee's introduction and Edward T. Morman's biographical essay and bibliography.
- Paperback: 632 pages
- Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press; Expanded edition (July 1, 1993)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0801846455
- ISBN-13: 978-0801846458
- Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.6 x 1.4 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #690,420 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
George Rosen's chronology of the development of public health in A History of Public Health is a MUST read for not only public health professionals, but clinicians, health administrators and any one even remotely interested in how mankind has responded to the threat of infectious disease. His very detailed presentation of the facts takes the reader back to the study of Hippocrates as he wrote the epic writings of EPIDEMICS I, EPIDEMICS II, and AIRS, WATERS AND PLACES. By placing the reader within the historical context of the period he is reviewing, the reader gains a better understanding and appreciation for the actions (or in some cases, IN-actions) of key individuals and governments. Mr. Rosen very eloquently describes how this area of PUBLIC HEALTH is actually a multi-disciplinary science, which consists of medicine, social science and others (such as engineering, public administration and economics). Rosen's unique style of presenting the facts is very direct, concise and full of detail. His thorough examination of the elements that contributed to what we know as PUBLIC HEALTH today, is thorough and informative. If there must be one weakness of the book, it is that this is a complete chronology of public health as viewed through a WESTERN, positivist view. Very little is mentioned on Eastern, traditionalist medicine in any form or fashion. However, one of the most comprehensive books on this subject ever written and one that is a MUST for all involved in the public health field.By Jose & Mary Betancourt
I have not come across a history book in the medical field that is so scholarly and so readable. The fact that George Rosen cared so deeply about contemporary health problems shine through this well referenced volume. It should be on the shelves of every public health practitionerBy A Customer
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