Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body: The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy [Kindle Edition]
Author: Robert Schleip Thomas W. Findley Leon Chaitow Peter Huijing | Language: English | ISBN: B00CF3HVR0 | Format: PDF, EPUB
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This book is the product of an important collaboration between clinicians of the manual therapies and scientists in several disciplines that grew out of the three recent International Fascia Research Congresses (Boston, Amsterdam, and Vancouver). The book editors, Thomas Findley MD PhD, Robert Schleip PhD, Peter Huijing PhD and Leon Chaitow DO, were major organizers of these congresses and used their extensive experience to select chapters and contributors for this book.
This volume therefore brings together contributors from diverse backgrounds who share the desire to bridge the gap between theory and practice in our current knowledge of the fascia and goes beyond the 2007, 2009 and 2012 congresses to define the state-of-the-art, from both the clinical and scientific perspective.
Prepared by over 100 specialists and researchers from throughout the world, Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body will be ideal for all professionals who have an interest in fascia and human movement - physiotherapists, osteopathic physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, structural integration practitioners, manual therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, yoga or Pilates instructors, exercise scientists and personal trainers - as well as physicians involved with musculoskeletal medicine, pain management and rehabilitation, and basic scientists working in the field.
- Reflects the efforts of almost 100 scientists and clinicians from throughout the world
- Offers comprehensive coverage ranging from anatomy and physiology, clinical conditions and associated therapies, to recently developed research techniques
- Explores the role of fascia as a bodywide communication system
- Presents the latest information available on myofascial force transmission which helps establish a scientific basis for given clinical experiences
- Explores the importance of fascia as a sensory organ - for example, its important proprioceptive and nociceptive functions which have implications for the generation of low back pain
- Describes new imaging methods which confirm the connectivity of organs and tissues
- Designed to organize relevant information for professionals involved in the therapeutic manipulation of the body’s connective tissue matrix (fascia) as well as for scientists involved in basic science research
- Reflects the increasing need for information about the properties of fascia, particularly for osteopaths, massage therapists, physiotherapists and other complementary health care professionals
- Offers new insights on the fascial related foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridians and the fascial effects of acupuncture
- File Size: 7443 KB
- Print Length: 566 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 1 edition (February 26, 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #391,615 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #20 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Alternative & Holistic > Osteopathy
Book Review of
Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body
Robert Schleip, Thomas W. Findley, Leon Chaitow, Peter A. Huijing
Elsevier London 2012 ISBN # 978-0-7020-3425-1
The just released and long-anticipated book on fascia is a noteworthy accomplishment inspired in part by the 2007, 2009, and 2012 International Fascia Congresses in which researchers from diverse fields and a great variety of hands-on clinicians came together to explore emergent research and clinical application. The amount of published papers has significantly increased in the recent past. The book has 78 contributors from a vast sweep of scientific and clinical expertise addressing in 515 pages, hence a very broad appeal to many clinicians, anatomists, biomechanists, and many other researchers. The book is comprised of eight parts: anatomy, neurology, physiology, pathology, diagnostic procedure, therapies, and research, communicated within 67 sub-chapters. Rather than include a DVD the reader can access online videos that nicely accompany the text. The website presents some information on the book, though the actual videos require a code from the book. See [...] It is with apology this reviewer must state that this is a most difficult review as there are many unique chapters, such that one cannot readily do justice to them. A random sample of sub-chapters support this, in general cover the following topics; general anatomy, fascia as an organ of communication, proprioception, force transmission, physiology, fluid dynamics in fascial tissue, fascial palpation, a good overview of osteopathic fascial therapies, a most interesting therapeutic technique chapter on Gua Sha, neurodynamics, fascial fitness, and scientific research and process, and many others.
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