Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant Hardcover – March 31, 2009

Author: Scott R. R. Haskell | Language: English | ISBN: 0781753252 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant – March 31, 2009
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"This is certainly not a pocket book - it is a very substantial text for use as a quick reference guide, which is reflected in the format. There is something in it for everyone with an interest in ruminant medicine, regardless of their experience level.... Despite its size, the layout of this book is simple and has a simple format. It fulfills the aims set out in the preface and offers good value by including a CD." (Veterinary Times, September 2010)

"Fans of the series no doubt appreciate the easy to use, no-frills approach to veterinary textbooks, providing the relevant basic information for the vet or student on the go (or past the deadline)." (Veterinary Practice, December 2009)

"The Five-Minute Veterinary Consult has strength in breadth and is extremely easy to navigate. If you need to remind yourself of the basics of an unfamiliar or long-forgotten topic, and you have only five minutes, you may find that this book is a worthy addition to the shelf or car boot." (The Veterinary Record, December 2009)

"An excellent quick-reference resource for any veterinarian who treats cattle, sheep, goats, cervids, or camelids... provides a practical overview of the most important diseases and production problems in these species. This textbook is intended as a go-to reference when review of a particular topic is required; it is not intended to replace more detailed internal medicine or production medicine references. However, the inclusion of management and husbandry topics makes this one of the most comprehensive textbooks available to ruminant practitioners." (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, September 2009)

"This valuable book is a compilation of necessary and welcome information. The editor and authors have met their objectives in an exemplary manner." (Doody’s Book Reviews, September 2009)

"Every vet library must have this." (Midwest Book Review, July 2009)

From the Back Cover

Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult series, the most trusted and well-known quick-reference resource available to veterinarians, now includes this new volume on ruminants. Hundreds of top specialists provide coverage of 420 topics arranged alphabetically from A-Z for efficient searching. An accompanying CD includes additional topics covering management, husbandry, and diagnostics.

Whether you’re a student or a practicing veterinarian this reference book will cut down on the time spent navigating through other resources, allowing you to study, diagnose and treat more quickly.

See all Editorial Reviews

Books with free ebook downloads available Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant Hardcover – March 31, 2009
  • Hardcover: 1048 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (March 31, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0781753252
  • ISBN-13: 978-0781753258
  • Product Dimensions: 2 x 8.6 x 10.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #655,617 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
    • #49 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Veterinary Medicine > Food Animal
    • #98 in Books > Medical Books > Veterinary Medicine > Bovine Medicine
Abomasal Emptying Defect (AED) in Sheep 2

Abomasal Impaction 4

Abomasal Ulcers 6

Abortion 8

Abortion: Bacterial 10

Abortion: Farmed Cervidae 13

Abortion: Sheep and Goats 17

Abortion: Viral, Fungal, and Nutritional 20

Acidosis 23

Actinobacillosis 26

Actinomycosis: Lumpy Jaw 28

Acute Colic—Abdominal Pain 30

Acute Renal Failure 34

Aesculus (Buckeye) Toxicosis 35

Agricultural Chemical Toxicities 36

Akabane 38

Alopecia 40

Analytical Testing 44

Anaphylaxis 48

Anaplasmosis 50

Anemia, Nonregenerative: Bovine 52

Anemia, Nonregenerative: Camelids 55

Anemia, Regenerative: Bovine 58

Anemia, Regenerative: Camelids 63

Anesthesia and Analgesia 66

Anestrus 70

Angular Limb Deformity 72

Anthrax 76

Arsenic Toxicosis 78

Arthrogryposis 80

Aspergillosis 83

Aspiration Pneumonia 84

Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia 86

Avocado Toxicosis 88

B Vitamins 89

Babesiosis 92

Bacillary Hemoglobinuria 95

Backgrounding Beef Calves 98

Bacterial Endocarditis 101

Bacterial Meningitis 104

Beef Bull Management 106

Berserk Male Syndrome/Aberrant Behavior Syndrome 108

Besnoitiosis 110

Black Locust Toxicity 112

Blindness 114

Bloat 116

Blue-Green Algae Poisoning 118

Bluetongue 120

Body Condition Score: Camelids and Camels 122

Border Disease 124

Borna Disease 126

Botulism 128

Bovine Ephemeral Fever 130

Bovine Lameness 132

Bovine Leukemia 135

Bovine Papular Stomatitis 138

Bovine Petechial Fever 139

Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRD) 140

Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus 142

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 144

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus 146

Bracken Fern Toxicity 150

Brassica spp. Toxicity 152

Breeding Soundness Examination and Infertility in Male Camelids 154

Breeding Soundness Exam: Beef Bull 158

Brucellosis 161

Burn Management 164

Cache Valley Virus 168

Calf Diphtheria 170

Calving-Related Disorders 172

Camelid Tooth Root Abscesses 176

Campylobacter 178

Candidiasis 180

Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis 182

Capture Myopathy 184

Carbamate Toxicity 186

Cardiomyopathy 188

Cardiotoxic Plants 190

Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA) 193

Castor Bean Toxicity 196

Cecal Dilation and Volvulus 198

Cervidae Tuberculosis (Micobacterium bovis) 200

Cesarean Surgery: Indications 202

Chlamydiosis 204

Chronic Wasting Disease 207

Cicuta spp. (Water Hemlock) Toxicity 210

Circulatory Shock 212

Cleft Palate (Palatoschisis) 214

Clostridial Disease: GI 216

Clostridial Myositis 218

Club Lamb Disease 220

CNS: Brain Lesions 222

CNS: Nerve Lesions 226

CNS: Spinal Column and Cord Anomalies 228

Coccidioidomycosis 232

Coccidiosis 234

Coenurosis 236

Congestive Heart Failure 238

Conium spp. (Poison Hemlock) Toxicity 240

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia 242

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia 244

Copper Deficiency of Sheep and Goats 246

Copper Toxicity 250

Cor Pulmonale 253

Corkscrew Claw in Cattle 256

Corneal Ulceration 258

Coronavirus 260

Cowpox 264

Cryptococcosis 266

Cryptosporidiosis 268

Culling Strategies 270

Cutaneous Myiasis of Sheep and Goats 272

Cyanide Toxicosis 274

Dairy Buck Management 276

Dairy Bull Management 278

Dairy Goat Dermatology 280

Death Camas (Zygadenus) 282

Dermatologic Microbiology 283

Dermatophilosis 284

Dermatophytosis 286

Differential Diagnosis of Lumps and Swellings 288

Differential Diagnosis of Pruritus 290

Differential Diagnosis of Scaling and Crusting 293

Differential Diagnosis of Skin Diseases of the Udder 296

Digital (Papillomatous) Dermatitis 298

Displaced Abomasum 301

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy (DIC) 304

Down Camelid 306

Downer Cow 308

Drug Interactions 310

Dystocia 312

Economics of Beef Cattle Reproductive Decisions 314

Ectropion 316

Edema, Peripheral 318

Embryo Cryopreservation 320

Emesis 322

Endometritis 324

Entropion 327

Enzootic Ataxia 330

Enzootic Pneumonia of Calves 332

Eperythrozoonosis 334

Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Challenges in Food Safety 336

Esophageal Disorders 338

Facial Eczema 341

Failure of Passive Transfer 344

Fascioliasis (Liver Fluke) 346

Fatty Liver 350

Fescue Toxicity 352

Floppy Kid Syndrome 354

Fluid Therapy 356

Fluoride Toxicity 360

Foot-and-Mouth Disease 362

Foot Rot in Cattle 365

Fractures and Luxations 368

Freemartinism 371

Frostbite 372

Fungal Tremorgens 374

Gastrointestinal Microbiology 376

Gastrointestinal Pharmacology 378

Gossypol Toxicosis 380

Grass Tetany/Hypomagnesemia 382

Haemonchosis 384

Haemophilus somnus Complex 388

Heartwater (Cowdriosis) 392

Heat Stress in South American Camelids 394

Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle 396

Heath Family: Grayanotoxin 398

Heavy Metal Toxicosis 400

Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome 403

Hepatitis (Fungal, Toxic, and Infectious) 406

Hereditary Chondrodysplasia: Ovine 408

High Mountain Disease 410

Horner’s Syndrome 414

Hypocalcemia: Bovine 416

Hypocalcemia: Small Ruminant 420

Hypodermatosis 422

Hypothyroidism and Iodine Deficiency-Induced Hypothyroidism 425

Indigestion 428

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis 430

Infectious Necrotic Hepatitis 434

Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis 436

Inhalation Pneumonia 438

Iodine Deficiency and Toxicity 440

Jimsonweed Toxicity (Datura stramonium) 442

Johne’s Disease 444

Johne’s Disease—Small Ruminants and Exotics 446

Juvenile Llama Immunodeficiency Syndrome (JLIDS) 448

Keratoconjunctivitis/Conjunctivitis 450

Ketosis (Acetonemia—Dairy Cattle) 454

Lactation Failure (Dysgalactia, Agalactia, Hypogalactia) 458

Lameness in Sheep 460

Laminitis in Cattle 462

Lantana Toxicosis 464

Laryngeal Obstruction 466

Lead Toxicosis 468

Leptospirosis 471

Leukocyte Responses in Cattle 474

Lightning Strike—Sudden Death 478

Listeriosis 480

Liver Abscesses 482

Louping III 486

Low-Fat Milk Syndrome 488

Lumpy Skin Disease 490

Lupine Toxicity 492

Luxations 494

Lyme Borreliosis 496

Lymphocytosis 500

Lymphosarcoma 502

Maedi-Visna (Visna-Maedi) 505

Magnesium Deficiency/Excess 508

Malignant Catarrhal Fever 512

Mammary Gland Surgeries: Teat Amputation, Mastectomy 514

Mammary Gland: Ultrasound 516

Management of Gunshot Wounds 520

Mast Cell Tumors 522

Mastitis: Coliform 524

Mastitis: Fungal 526

Mastitis: Minor Bacteria 528

Mastitis: Mycoplasma 530

Mastitis: No Growth 534

Mastitis: Sheep and Goats 536

Mastitis: Staphylococcal 540

Mastitis: Streptococcal 542

Mastitis: Viral 546

Melanoma 548

Melioidosis 549

Metabolic Profiling 552

Metaldehyde Toxicosis 556

Metritis 558

Microphthalmia 560

Middle Uterine Artery Rupture 562

Milk Vein Rupture 563

Milkweed (Asclepias spp.) Toxicosis 564

Miscellaneous Conditions of the Hoof Wall 566

Mites of Sheep and Goats 568

Molybdenum Toxicity 570

Monensin Toxicity 572

Mucosal Disease 576

Mycoplasma Infections in Cattle 578

Mycotoxins 580

Myiasis 584

Myocarditis 586

Nairobi Sheep Disease 588

Nasal Anomalies 590

Necrotic Stomatitis 593

Nematodirus 596

Neonatal Diarrhea 598

Neonatal Septic Arthritis 602

Neonatology: Beef 604

Neonatology: Dairy 606

Neonatology: Dairy Goats 610

Neonatology: Lambs 612

Neospora 618

Nightshade (Solanum spp.) Toxicosis 620

Nitrate and Nitrite Toxicosis 621

Oak (Quercus spp.) Poisoning 624

Obstructive Urolithiasis 626

Ocular Treatments 629

Oestrus ovis Infestation 630

Oleander and Foxglove 632

Onchocerciasis 634

On-farm Pasteurization of Waste Milk 638

Orchitis and Epididymitis 640

Orf/Contagious Ecthyma 642

Osteochondrosis 644

Ostertagiosis 646

Otitis Media/Interna 649

Ovarian Cystic Degeneration 652

Ovarian Hypoplasia, Bursal Disease, Salpingitis 654

Ovine Progressive Pneumonia 656

Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma 658

Oxalate Toxicity 660

Papillomatosis 662

Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) 664

Parasite Control on Dairies 666

Parasite Control Programs—Small Ruminants 668

Parasitic Pneumonia 672

Parasitic Skin Diseases 674

Parelaphostrongylus tenuis: Cerebrospinal Nematodiasis 676

Patent Urachus 678

Pediculosis of Sheep and Goats 680

Penile Deviations 682

Penile Hematoma 683

Pericarditis 684

Perinatal Lamb Mortality 688

Periorbital Staphylococcal Dermatitis 692

Peste Des Petits Ruminants 694

Petroleum Product Poisoning 696

Pharmacology of Mastitis: Bovine 698

Phenoxyl Toxicity 702

Phosphorus Deficiency/Excess 704

Photodermatitis 708

Photosensitization 710

Pine Needle Toxicity 714

Plants Producing Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 716

Pneumothorax 718

Polioencephalomalacia 720

Polyarthritis 722

Polycythemia 724

Posterior Vena Cava Thrombosis Syndrome 728

Postparturient Hemoglobinuria 730

Precocious Udder 732

Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Bovine 734

Pregnancy Toxemia: Sheep and Goats 736

Preputial Prolapse 739

Pseudocowpox 740

Pseudorabies 742

Pyelonephritis 744

Pyometra 746

Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids 747

Q Fever 750

Rabies 754

Radiation Toxicity 756

Rectal Prolapse 758

Rehydration Therapy: Oral 760

Reindeer Management: Overview 764

Reindeer Management: Population Dynamics 766

Renal Amyloidosis 768

Repeat Breeder Management 770

Reproductive Tumors 772

Respiratory Pharmacology 776

Retained Placenta 778

Rift Valley Fever 782

Rinderpest 784

Ringwomb 786

Rodenticide Toxicity: 1080 and 1081 788

Rodenticide Toxicity: Anticoagulants 790

Rodenticide Toxicity: ANTU 792

Rodenticide Toxicity: Bromethalin 793

Rodenticide Toxicity: Cholecalciferols 796

Rodenticide Toxicity: Zinc Phosphides 797

Rotavirus 798

Rumen Dysfunction: Alkalosis 800

Ruptured Prepubic Tendon 801

Ryegrass Staggers—Lolitrem B 802

Salmonellosis 804

Salt 808

Sarcocystosis 810

Scrapie 812

Segmental Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the Wolffian Duct System 816

Selenium Toxicity 817

Self-Mutilation 820

Seminal Vesiculitis 822

Senna (Cassia spp.) 826

Sheep and Goat Pox 828

Sheep Keds 830

Silage Disease 832

Snakebite 834

Sole Lesions in Dairy Cattle 836

Squamous Cell Carcinoma 838

St. John's Wort Toxicity 842

Starvation/Malnutrition 844

Stifle Injuries 846

Strongyloides 848

Strychnine Poisoning 851

Subcutaneous Emphysema 852

Sweet Clover Poisoning 854

Sweet Potato Toxicity 857

Teat Lacerations 858

Teat Lesions 860

Testicular Anomalies 862

Thelaziasis 865

Third Compartment Ulcers in South American Camelids 866

Tick Paralysis 868

Ticks Affecting Small Ruminants 870

Tobacco Toxicosis 872

Tongue Trauma 873

Toxic Gases 874

Toxoplasma Abortion 878

Tracheal Collapse 880

Tracheal Edema (“Honker”) Syndrome 882

Transfaunation 884

Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis 886

Tremetol: White Snakeroot and Rayless Goldenrod 888

Trichomoniasis (Trichomonosis) 890

Trypanosomiasis 894

Tuberculosis: Bovine 896

Tuberculosis: Small Ruminants 898

Ulcerative Posthitis 900

Umbilical Hernia 902

Urea Toxicity 906

Ureaplasma 908

Urolithiasis in Small Ruminants 910

Uterine Anomalies 914

Uterine Prolapse 916

Uterine Torsion 918

Vaccination and Deworming Programs for Beef Cattle 920

Vaccination and Deworming: Cervidae 924

Vaccination and Deworming: Sheep 926

Vaccination Programs on Dairies 928

Vagal Indigestion 930

Vaginitis 934

Vesicular Stomatitis 936

Veterinary Health Certification 938

Vitamin A Deficiency/Toxicosis 940

Vitamin D Toxicosis 942

Vitamin E/Selenium Deficiency 944

Vomitoxin 947

Vulvitis 948

Water Buffalo Diseases 950

Water Buffalo Management 952

Water Quality Issues 954

Wattle Cysts 956

Weight Loss: Bovine 957

Weight Loss: Goats 960

Wesselsbron Disease 962

Wild Ruminant Population Health Management 964

Winter Dysentery 966

Wool Rot 968

Wound Management 970

Yak Management and Disease 972

Yew Toxicity 976

Zinc Deficiency/Toxicity 978

Appendix I: Cleaning and Disinfection 982

Appendix II: Client Communication 984

Index 987

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant – March 31, 2009 Download

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