Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Handbook of Writing Research

Handbook of Writing Research [Kindle Edition]

Author: Charles A. MacArthur Steve Graham Jill Fitzgerald | Language: English | ISBN: B001QCYOAI | Format: PDF, EPUB

Handbook of Writing Research
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This authoritative volume synthesizes current knowledge on writing development in children and adolescents and the processes underlying successful learning and teaching. The most comprehensive work of its kind, the volume encompasses both cognitive and sociocultural perspectives. Leading investigators present salient theoretical models; describe cutting-edge research methodologies and analytic tools; summarize available data on the effectiveness of major instructional approaches; and identify key directions for future research. Emphasizing the importance of supporting all students' writing development, the book includes a special section on cultural diversity, gender, special education, and bilingual learners.

Direct download links available for Handbook of Writing Research [Kindle Edition]
  • File Size: 7080 KB
  • Print Length: 468 pages
  • Publisher: The Guilford Press; 1 edition (December 13, 2005)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
    Not Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #210,756 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
    • #21 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Literacy
    • #25 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Research
    • #33 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Public Affairs & Policy > Social Policy
There was a time between 1975 and 1985 when most of the exciting and important research on writing was being conducted by people trained in composition studies. Much of it drew on the social sciences to discover why young people had so much difficulty with writing and to investigate ways to help them improve.

The situation began changing around 1985. In my own work, I have attributed the change to the fact that during this same period large numbers of people trained in literature were unable to get jobs in their fields. The market for composition specialists, however, was red hot, so in desperation a staggering number of literature people began posing as writing teachers, even though they had little or no training in the field.

Their hearts were never in it. Teaching writing is hard, pedestrian work, and it cannot be done properly without training. These manque compositionists dreamed of the day when they could talk about leitmotif in Jane Austen or symbolism in Ralph Ellison. And with the inevitable cycle of promotion and tenure, many of them realized that they were no longer obligated to continue the theater that was their careers, and they began doing what they had wanted to do all along, superficially masking their deception behind "cultural studies," "emerging literacies," and "visual rhetoric."

Consequently, research in composition studies stopped dead as the literature people in the field began claiming that rhetoric was "everything." Unable to understand social science methodologies or even basic statistics, they rejected empirical models as useless. The editor of the leading professional journal in composition recently stated, for example, that psychology has no bearing whatsoever on literacy.

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