Friday, June 21, 2013

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine [Kindle Edition]

Author: Prof. Song Xuan Ke Sheila McNamara | Language: English | ISBN: B008HRQVZ6 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Direct download links available Traditional Chinese Medicine [Kindle Edition] from with Mediafire Link Download Link The principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been around for centuries and its practice is as relevant today as it has always been.

Western medical professionals are now increasingly aware of the important role that Traditional Medicine takes. In the past, many people would only try Traditional Medicine when Western medicine failed them. Times have changed and Traditional Medicine can be found routinely used worldwide. One such example is in the UK with the NHS (National Health Service) using acupuncture during childbirth.

Treatment in Chinese Traditional Medicine works in very different ways to Western medicine. It concentrates more on the body as a whole rather than the condition.

In Western medicine, if you have 10 people go into a doctor’s surgery with the same condition then more likely than not they will all come out with the same treatment.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they could all come out with different forms of treatment depending upon the many different factors that are taken into account. The treatment can also change depending upon the stage of recovery.

Dr Ke's clinical success as a leading consultant of Chinese Medicine has been featured on BBC, CNN, ITV, Channel 4 and many other broadcasting media throughout the world as well as in the Observer, Daily Mail and FT. He is twice listed in London Evening Standards' Top 50 Health Practitioners and London's 100 Best Alternative Experts, respectively.

"The infertility file in the TCM doctor’s London clinic makes very moving reading. There, among letters from desperate women asking if Chinese medicine can help them to conceive, are colourful birth announcement cards, photographs of newborn babies and in one note a request that the doctor suggests a Chinese name for a tiny boy, to celebrate the successful outcome of infertility treatment through herbal medicine…"

Background to the book

The hardback version of this book was originally published in the UK and launched at the Chinese Embassy in London. A significant part of the book was serialised in The Observer Magazine (The Observer is a national British newspaper). During this time the magazine had to do a re-print for the first time in its history. The book then went on to be sold in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Romania.

Now this amazing book is being released in Kindle format to offer a new era of readers the opportunity to take in the vast array of quality information, advice and hope. The Kindle book comes complete with over 1,700 hyperlinked index items.

You could say that it is a case of traditional meets modern again but in a different way!

Further Advice

For further advice on treatment and courses on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr Ke can be contacted at the Asante Academy of Chinese Medicine in London, UK. ( Books with free ebook downloads available Traditional Chinese Medicine [Kindle Edition]

  • File Size: 477 KB
  • Print Length: 241 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 147815845X
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: (July 4, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B008HRQVZ6
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
    Not Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #249,721 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I have been interested in traditional Chinese medicine for several years now following a particularly successful course of acupuncture for a frozen shoulder.

I enjoy reading material on the subject when I get the opportunity. I liked this book for several reasons which I will take you through.

1. It is written beautifully. The author(s) not only write well, but have an engaging style which I find is so often lacking in these types of books.

2. The book is interesting. The history and development of Chinese medicine is detailed and fascinating, never laborious to read (in this book). The author(s) know their onions.

3. It is written in a way that the lay person can learn about and understand the underlying beliefs and principals behind this amazing form of healing and treatment. It is not just a lengthy list of ailments and herbs.

4. The resources section will be very useful to those looking for further information or a TCM practitioner.

5. And finally the icing on the cake for me was that the index section at the back is all linked back to the exact pages that contain the relevant information. Rare bonus.

5 stars and thumbs up.
By Maria
This is a great source of information for the layperson just learning about TCM, or for the novice studying ever more information. The book offers quite a lot of great case sutides which really contribute to understanding the processes and philophy of TCM, and there is a wealth of information on the various herbs and herbal combinations used to treat all manner of conditions. It's a resourceful and well written book to have on the subject, and I really appreciate having it on my Kindle where I can constantly refer to it, and have so much information at my fingertips.
By Cymantha Guest

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