Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]
Author: | Language: English | ISBN: B00EJXYIG6 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing
You can download Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download Link Learn the best ways to accurately measure range of motion and muscle length with this thoroughly updated new edition. Logically organized and easy to follow, this practical text provides accurate and up-to-date information on norms for range of motion in all age groups, as well as the reliability and validity of each technique. The techniques detail measurement of both joint range of motion and muscle length testing of the spine and extremities using the goniometer, the inclinometer, and the tape measure. An effective combination of instructions, illustrations, and layout for each technique allows you to easily understand and follow the information provided. In addition, a new DVD demonstrates each measurement technique contained in the book! Direct download links available for Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing
You can download Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download Link Learn the best ways to accurately measure range of motion and muscle length with this thoroughly updated new edition. Logically organized and easy to follow, this practical text provides accurate and up-to-date information on norms for range of motion in all age groups, as well as the reliability and validity of each technique. The techniques detail measurement of both joint range of motion and muscle length testing of the spine and extremities using the goniometer, the inclinometer, and the tape measure. An effective combination of instructions, illustrations, and layout for each technique allows you to easily understand and follow the information provided. In addition, a new DVD demonstrates each measurement technique contained in the book! Direct download links available for Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing
- File Size: 29153 KB
- Print Length: 528 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (April 29, 2009)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #390,315 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
As a personal trainer, I'm always on the look out for more information. In this business, like many others, one should never stop learning and looking for more to learn. I've also been a joint-mobility expert for 10 years, and THIS book is an excellent resource to understand joints and movement futher (especially when exercise to obsessed with muscle and NOT joints). I know I am NOT a doctor or physical therapist, BUT it does make sense that personal trains must take time to learn more about joints than muscles. Yes, know your muscles and how they work as a group, but the joint have much more to them as they tend to be the victim of the abuse from muscles (be it good or bad movement).By Amazon Customer
That being said, the book is one of the better books out there in my opinion as an educated personal trainer. Other trainers who are in it for money, women, ego, or like just tell people what to do will not buy this book. On the other hand, those who care and figure out they must be aggressive with education (and not just college, but independent study as well) would benefit from this book. How much? Depends on a)if you take the time to read, remember, and understand the material in the book, b) practice while learning, c) make sure you offer joint range of motion measurements in a NON-medicinal sense (use as a measureable index and NOT as a medical or diagnostic tool) and make that clear to clients. PS: Don't forget to purchase a quality Goniometer (search the internet).
Book notes: Pictures are black and while with red line accents and some red for muscles in drawings. People who are NOT doctors or therapists (ie, Personal Trainers) would be a little or a lot lost with some or all of the numberical data and references and literature referals. I suggest you read EVER WORD and be cautious in what you do and when you use the measurements. The teaching pictures are reasonable, but I wish they were in color, larger, and the text was more friendly.
I am a student in a physical therapy doctoral program and this was one of the required books for the class. This book has been fairly useful in studying goniometry. The pictures are good and the descriptions of patient/therapist positioning is very clear. The only thing that I would add to it would be a quick reference spreadsheet for goniometer placement so one does not have to flip back and forth through the book if you are looking for a single reference point for a joint motion.By Amazon Customer
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