Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fundamentals of Phonetics

Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students (3rd Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Communication Sciences and Disorders) [Print Replica] [Kindle Edition]

Author: Larry H. Small | Language: English | ISBN: B006Y0XRVE | Format: PDF, EPUB

Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students
Download Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

An introduction to the fundamentals of linguistic phonetics filled with learning tools that focus on practical phonetic transcription skills.


Through in-text exercises and accompanying audio recordings, this introductory text makes the learning of phonetics clear, systematic, and easy. Appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate students in the speech and hearing professions, this book focuses on teaching students the practical skills necessary to successfully perform phonetic transcription of individuals with speech sound disorders. Beginning with pertinent information on normal speech production, this introductory text then introduces students to the transcription of consonants and vowels, connected speech, and individuals with speech sound disorders. Students also learn the transcription of regional and ethnic dialectal variations of speech. Throughout the well-organized text, CD icons, learning exercises, objectives, and study questions help students learn and process the text’s material.

Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students
  • File Size: 6883 KB
  • Print Length: 400 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
  • Publisher: Pearson; 3 edition (September 21, 2011)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B006Y0XRVE
  • Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
  • X-Ray for Textbooks:
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #583,570 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
    • #28 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Phonetics & Phonics
    • #47 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Allied Health Professions > Audiology & Speech Pathology
Can't believe everything you read. Silly me for reading the Amazon review and believing a CD would be included with a new copy of this book. It' ain't. But gee, the back of the book tells me the ISBN for the Supplemental Audio CD: 0132582619Small Audio CD Funda Phone Ssp 3. Or, if you want them together, look for 0132700646. Fundamentals of Phonetics with Audio CDs Glad I ordered early. Grrrr...
By L. E. Thomas
I am currently pursuing a career in Speech Language Pathology and recently finished taking a course in Phonetics and Articulation.
This book was extremely helpful, clear, comprehensive and easily understood. I would highly recommend this for anyone who is seriously considering a profession in the field of speech. Even if this is not a required text for your class, which in my case it was, it is worth the money to buy this book and save it as a reference and material that you can supplement for whatever you may be learning! It contains a lot of practice, and in more expensive additions you can receive a CD which has prerecorded utterances that have homework/assignments in which you transcribe these different utterances (usually people with accents or language influenced english etc.) I may sound repetitive but really this is an amazing book!
By a

Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students Download

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