Spiritual Midwifery [Kindle Edition]
Author: Ina May Gaskin | Language: English | ISBN: B0026IUOFU | Format: PDF, EPUB
Spiritual Midwifery
Free download Spiritual Midwifery from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link "Here is the 4th edition of the classic book on home birth that introduced a whole generation of women to the concept of natural childbirth. Back again are even more amazing birthing tales, including those from women who were babies in earlier editions and stories about Old Order Amish women attended by the Farm midwives.
Also new is information about the safety of techniques routinely used in hospitals during and after birth, information on postpartum depression and maternal death, and recent statistics on births managed by The Farm Midwives.
From the amazing birthing tales to care of the newborn, Spiritual Midwifery is still one of the best books an expectant mother could own. Includes resources for doulas, childbirth educators, birth centers, and other organizations and alliances dedicated to improving maternity care at home and in hospitals. " Direct download links available for Spiritual Midwifery [Kindle Edition]
Free download Spiritual Midwifery from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link "Here is the 4th edition of the classic book on home birth that introduced a whole generation of women to the concept of natural childbirth. Back again are even more amazing birthing tales, including those from women who were babies in earlier editions and stories about Old Order Amish women attended by the Farm midwives.
Also new is information about the safety of techniques routinely used in hospitals during and after birth, information on postpartum depression and maternal death, and recent statistics on births managed by The Farm Midwives.
From the amazing birthing tales to care of the newborn, Spiritual Midwifery is still one of the best books an expectant mother could own. Includes resources for doulas, childbirth educators, birth centers, and other organizations and alliances dedicated to improving maternity care at home and in hospitals. " Direct download links available for Spiritual Midwifery [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 13461 KB
- Print Length: 486 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1570671044
- Publisher: Healthy Living Publications; 4 edition (March 1, 2002)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #32,079 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Nursing > Maternity, Perinatal & Women's Health
- #11 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Midwifery
- #21 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Women's Health, Obstetrics & Gynecology
I think I'm the first _man_ to review this book. In a way that's kind of sad, but hey, I don't mind going first, fellas. Besides, I've reviewed just about everything of Stephen Gaskin's I could find, and it's about time I reviewed Ina May's book.
And here in Ohio we've got a Mennonite midwife named Freida Miller who's doing time in prison. Why? Because she saved the life of a birthing mother by giving her prescription medication without a license. Worse, she's not even in prison for dispensing the meds; she's in prison because she refuses to reveal the name of the doctor who _gave_ her the meds in the first place. This displeases me and causes me to question the legal and pharmaceutical establishments even more than I already did, which is a lot. So consider this review my little blow for the revolution.
Ina May Gaskin wrote the book on midwifery -- four times, in fact, as the fourth edition of the book was published in 2002 and it gets longer every time. The new edition is updated with the usual stuff, including yet more stories from the parents and midwives at the Farm (including some stories from the babies, now all grown up, who were the subjects of the _original_ stories) and a new preface by Ina May. And if you're reading this page, you don't need me to tell you that it's the bible of practical midwifery.
What you may _not_ already know is what a spiritual book it is. Of course the title is _Spiritual Midwifery_, but some readers may be inclined to write that off as hippie jargon. As other reviewers have noted, there is some hippie jargon in the book, but I don't think you should read "around" it or "past" it. You should read _through_ it; it's part of the point.
I'm a student midwife and Ina May is revered in the 'birth world' I exist in. This book is- as the many reviews can attest to- almost a Bible of natural child birth and the regeneration of midwifery practice in the US. My understanding is that I am reading the most current version of this book...
The good: Getting to hear and see pictures of many families who went through their births on the Farm was great. I am very interested in birth stories and the internal mechanisms that women/families use to cope with birth. Also, I very much enjoyed finding several stories about loss and unexpected outcomes. It's wonderful to see these kinds of stories and occurances shared for others to use as a map through a similar circumstance. Sometimes, you've never met anyone who's had a loss. Knowing you're not the only one who's felt the way you do is an amazing comfort. Another positive of this book were the stories about the Amnish women who had Farm midwives attend their births. The cultural differences were really interesting- I wish Ina May would write a whole book about these births!
The bad: Ok, first and foremost, there were several times that INACCURATE information was put forth in this book. At one point, Ina May suggests that a woman 'toughen up' her nipples during pregnancy if they are sensitive to get them ready for nursing. That's just wrong. She also says parents whould use alcohol on a baby's umbilical cord and around the base on the stomach- again, a care method that has been proven to actually increase healing time. Perhaps these things are minor, but honestly, for someone who is so respected- and who many people will look to for definitive information, this kind of thing should be corrected.
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