Wellness and Physical Therapy (Jones and Barlett's Contemporary Issues in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine) [Kindle Edition]
Author: Sharon Elayne Fair | Language: English | ISBN: B007KSU6R2 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Wellness and Physical Therapy
Posts about Download The Book Wellness and Physical Therapy (Jones and Barlett's Contemporary Issues in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine) [Kindle Edition] for everyone book 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link The focus of Wellness and Physical Therapy will be the application of wellness, particularly fitness wellness, to the practice and profession of physical therapy. The book addresses all items related to wellness in the Normative Model of Physical Therapist Professional Education: Version 2004, the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, and APTA’s Education Strategic Plan. The text consists of foundational knowledge, theoretical models, empirical research and application of material to physical therapy practice. Evidence-based practice is emphasized through a mixed approach of formalist and reader-response. An important text for all physical therapy students!
Available resources include PowerPoints for instructors. Direct download links available for Wellness and Physical Therapy
Posts about Download The Book Wellness and Physical Therapy (Jones and Barlett's Contemporary Issues in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine) [Kindle Edition] for everyone book 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link The focus of Wellness and Physical Therapy will be the application of wellness, particularly fitness wellness, to the practice and profession of physical therapy. The book addresses all items related to wellness in the Normative Model of Physical Therapist Professional Education: Version 2004, the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, and APTA’s Education Strategic Plan. The text consists of foundational knowledge, theoretical models, empirical research and application of material to physical therapy practice. Evidence-based practice is emphasized through a mixed approach of formalist and reader-response. An important text for all physical therapy students!
Available resources include PowerPoints for instructors. Direct download links available for Wellness and Physical Therapy
- File Size: 5845 KB
- Print Length: 370 pages
- Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1 edition (October 22, 2010)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B007KSU6R2
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #636,419 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Years ago, I attended an APTA conference at which Dr. Fair presented a wellness seminar. It was a great presentation but I wanted more. About a year ago, I was happy to learn that Dr. Fair had authored a book related to wellness and I immediately purchased it.By Rachel
As a PT (and owner/manager), I know first hand how important wellness is to EVERYONE - patients, employees, the public, myself.... Dr. Fair's discussion of the complexity of wellness is amazing. For example, her detailed discussion of lapse and relapse are invaluable because EVERYONE lapses. But if a PT doesn't have the ability to help the patient back on track then a lapse may degrade into a relapse which may degrade into abandoning the new healthy behavior / home exercise program altogether. I contend that not understanding the stages of wellness (including the gradations of lapse, relapse, etc) is a major factor as to why so many Americans are overweight (or "overfat" as Dr. Fair correctly names it) or obese and don't exercise.
Great resource for any PT that integrates wellness into their practice - which should be all PTs!
The role of physical therapy in health and wellness promotion is incredibly important, and is beginning to be embraced by the profession as an area where physical therapy should be at the forefront. The author should be commended for venturing forth and writing the first text on such an important subject. The text, however, is flawed on a number of levels, and lacks real clinical application. The author opens the text by presenting 7 stages of wellness, and lapse/relapse (including minor and major lapse/relapse) associated with some of the stages. While the stages are somewhat helpful in classifying an individual's stage of wellness, the addition of lapse/relapse behaviors is confusing as presented by the author, and serves no clinical usefulness. Each chapter is repetitive and tedious, and the author proposes the use of multiple surveys/histories/screens to be filled out by the patient or the PT for each aspect of wellness to be evaluated. In a time where patients and PT's already have a mountain of paperwork to fill out, adding or proposing more is both inefficient and unrealistic, and likely unfeasible in a clinical setting. Perhaps the biggest flaw of this text is the author's proposal that things like evaluating, diagnosing, and developing a plan of care for things such as mental health and wellness is within the scope of PT practice. The author in chapter 8, page 198, states "...physical therapists should perform mental and social wellness tests and measures, evaluate those examinations, assign a mental and/or social condition as well as a prognosis, develop goals and a plan of care related to mental and social wellness...". Physical therapists are generally neither trained nor qualified to evaluate, diagnose, and develop a mental wellness plan of care, and the author's proposal that this is within the scope of physical therapy practice is both bold and wholly inaccurate.By NB
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